I've got some other stuff I've been meaning to post, recent games and tomfoolery and the like, but I've been working on these long enough that I'm really anxious to get 'em up here. So, finally, here's my first "real" platoon of Terminators from the new Space Hulk. I gotta say, I'm pretty happy with them. I wanted to go all-out on these guys, and see what I could really do on a high-detail 28mm figure after so long painting 15mm (or low-detail naked chicks). I was also still pretty amused by painting the vibrant colors of a Codex Marine Chapter.

I don't think I'm going to be painting too many figures to this standard, actually: if I tried, I just wouldn't finish many figures!
Sgt. Lorenzo

Seven-layer highlights look good, but just take tooooo damn long to paint. These started with a red spray-on base coat. I used Krylon Fusion, which is a good paint and a good base coat, but only if you can find the matt finish stuff. I had to settle for Satin, and it wasn't optimal, but that didn't really matter after the first base coat of paint and ink wash.

I wanted the sergeant (described in the fluff as 600 years old) to look like Lee Marvin, all old and krusty and mean. I tried to take a closer picture of the face, but the camera lens was bumping up between the bolter and the sword. Speaking of which...

I tried to make the sword match the box cover art, because its totally Metal.
Brother Valencio

Brother Goriel

Brother Zael

Brother Deino

Brother Claudio got mixed in with Squad Lorenzo. I split up the non-standard squad Marine figures so I wouldn't end up with lop-sided groups or left over figures I'd have to go back and paint in a 3rd batch.

The Objective markers got worked in with this batch, too.

I've got about a half-dozen Genestealers painted up, too, plus some more half-painted. But I wanna go do other stuff, so I'm going to let gamer-ADD kick in, and finish the rest of these guys, "later."