I took so many pics of people in costume that I'm breaking them up across multiple posts. I think I'll start with Star Wars. I always have since 1977, so why stop now.
First, we have the droid builders. Anyone got a link for these guys?

Naturally, there were plenty of Jedi. I really like the idea of the blind Jedi:

But this idea is pretty good, too:

I am, however, less sure of this concept:

See, all the ladies love Gamorian Jedi!

I didn't get a chance to say hi, but I'm wondering if she doesn't live around here someplace. I saw her at OmegaCon, as well, and that show didn't attract many out-of-state folks.

Luke, this is pretty much exactly what I've had in mind for the birthday present I keep threatening to make:

I think at this point if no one from the Empire showed up, DragonCon might just fold up its tent and go back where it came from. Fortunately, there appears to be little risk of this.

I heard a lot of folks bitchin' about this guy. Well, fuck 'em! Kilts kick ass, and with all the "regiment distinguishing" bull shit the clones are wearing these days, who's gonna notice a little tartan?

The fine mercenary forces of Mandalor were also represented:

We also had a few folks show up as aliens and various rebels this year:


Personally, I'm a big fan of the femininization of various characters. You know, female versions of predominantly or exclusively male characters. Shit's hot, man!

And finally, but certainly not least in anyone's mind, we have the legions of Slave Leia. I didn't even try that hard to take pictures of all of them this year. (I'm not saying I don't like the costume, I most certainly do. There's just a damned lot of them! This is a good thing, by the way).

Its a good group shot (they were all together, I think) but god damn if the Spartan king doesn't look like he's about the eat the Alderanian princess.