I don't have any pics of my actual dive yet... I'm still waiting to get those back from folks. But hay, why wait for a blog post, just to get content?
Friday night's Iron Bartender party:

Celeste got all dolled up on Saturday:

Saturday morning I was invited to participate in a Makers discussion and workshop by Cpt. Bill Bill. Ex_Libris was also sharing her wit and charm.

This guy (who's name I neglected to write down) was strolling around, too. His legs use elastic tendons, with resistance based on that of a goat. Very cool stuff, dude.

There was a bit of costuming...

Ex_Libris won the costuming contest (of course!)

Now, for my own stuff, I actually had two big items on show at this con. Yes, there was the diving helmet, but I also took my good 'ol wargaming terrain tiles out to the show. They were a big hit with the Warmachine crowd, and folks seemed pretty impressed with the water effects.
And speaking of water, I wasn't the only one goofing off in the pool in a helmet!

Hopefully, I'll have pics of the helmet in action before too long.