OK, so this obviously ended up getting split into two posts.... and I'll start this one with the cutest little cat girl you ever did see.

And just to be sure you don't think its all sunshine and daises over here, this girl has seriously fucked up some very early memories of mine about what makes a woman sexy!

This is one of my favorite pics, from this or any other DragonCon:

I love the idea of an ape visiting from another planet and checking his camera, because the folks back home are never gonna believe this shit.
Crazy CyberPunk Wings
OK, I've never really spoken with them, but I see these guys all the time at cons. And she's always wearing some crazy ass wings. But this set of wings just kicked all kinda of ass. First off, they moved. The wings were articulated to fold up or spread out. Also, those aren't glairs or hot spots on the camera, there were lights at the end of each wing tip. Cool stuff, y'all.

I was looking at the wings. Honest.

G.I. Joe

You've got to love this: two moms in matching costumes with two sons in matching psudocostumes:

Even Cobra Commander needs a holiday.

Battlestar Galactica
I think she might look more like the character she's portraying -- I mean in the face more than the costume -- than any one I've seen at a con.

OK, is this a costume or is she just blond?

Star Trek
It ain't a con if it ain't got no Klingons.

I am Locutious of Cute.


Hail to the king, baby!

Always a popular choice (but a lot of these girls ended up in the "Ladies of..." category.)

See what I mean?

Pro-grade, not really a costume 'cause they are gettin' paid, Cruxshadows girls:

Much like the Cruxshadows girls, these were pretty much the only other professional booth babes I saw at the con. I don't really know if this counts as in costume or not.


We noticed a lot of kids in costume this year. I suppose the babies who's mothers dressed them up as ewoks a few years ago are starting to grow up.

Does Wizard of Oz count as a Disney movie? Close enough.

5th Element
I love this movie. Seems others agree. Or at least, we all love Milla Jovavitch.
Lilu Dallas, multi pass.

Brilliant! I love this concept.

Everything Else
Some things just don't categorize well.

I have more with this girl. Much more. But this one is the family friendly post, right?

I never could find this Battle Brother again for a better shot... I took this one from accross the street.

I dunno, its getting so big, I think maybe DragonCon is for the birds...

Cork hats are Australian for costume.

I love this mask. Simple, cool. Good to go.

Hay, if you are the guy in the back of this shot, I hate you a little bit.

I have sinned. And sinned well.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

So, ah, what you think of this hottie?

Its a dude, y'all.

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.

Misc. Anglo-philes.

She made me take it.

Photognome, doin' his thing. He is the master.


This was kind of cool. You didn't notice anything odd about her until she walked away.

Beats me.

This kid ran up and totally tried to stab me in the junk.

Beats me, dude.

Its 300 miles to Chicago... you know the rest.

This guy's costume got me thinking about cutting up an old Power Wheels Big Foot.

and, in closeing, I leave you with these girls, who do indeed speak the truth: