I give you the Mighty Air Base:

The town in the center of its base is a stock GW city element for Mighty Empires. The other towns were made by cutting up the Dwarf Brewery and Wizard's Towers for all the little shapes.

I painted them up more or less like I would any infrantry base for my Panzergrenadier force, using the same dirt, rock, and base edge colors. Then I went through and picked out the farms, buildings, etc.

I painted the river in successively lighter shades of blue, then covered it in a thick layer of Krylon Krystal Clear (at least I think that's what its called...). The swamp got a quick wash of breen and brown in, and then Krystal Clear with a little brown ink on it was dabbed into the low spots. Two quick passes with different colors of flock gave me grass and woods.
I had to enlarge the holes slightly to accept the clear posts from some GW flying bases, and then glued the posts onto the aircraft. This way I can use these bases with any little planes I pick up, so long as I mount them on the same size post. To make this set, I had to purchase one copy of White Dwarf; I got the other sprew off my boy Breakdance's copy.

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