Which means that I owe pictures to a bunch of you. So here goes, the Tribal shots from 2008, in no particular meaningful order, with my comments and compliments.
We'll start with this little darling. I'm tellin' ya, all this little girl had to do was look at someone in costume and simile and a half dozen people wanted to take her picture with them. She's our cousin's daughter, who shall remain safely anonymous lest some freak be able to call her by name.

At least 14 strangers must have also taken this picture.

And their neighbor.

You have never been as excited as this girl is to be around a bunch of Mandalorians.

TheLastNubicorn found her favorite Jedi...

...and went in for a quick shave and a hair cut.

She likes to cut it close.

We stopped dead in our tracks for this lady, and because of the quality of the suit I'm not including her in with Super Heroes. This is not a costume that looks like a catsuit. This is a full-on fetishist's latex suit. And it is awesome.

...an old friend's wife...

Goggles are cool!

Malloy Martini knows how to dress...

...and deal with The Hulk.

OK, I took one serious shot of her and Dolf, but I wish I'd gotten one of her "asserting dominance" over him...

Have fun, y'all.
DragonCon... freaks just come out everywhere...

I couldn't resist...

Also, I had a blast going to your panel. The best part was when the drooling mob rushed the table. Sure, they got a few seconds to yack, but I got a wink from her.... and TheLastNubicorn got the whole squealing jumping hug thing. The jealousy in the room was delicious.
TheLastNubicorn with the real Misfits!

This picture just cracks me up. I've known everyone in it for at least a decade or more, but you're looking at three different groups who all walked by me at the same time, many of whom have never met and, since some of them turned and ran immediately after this picture, probably never will. I love Dragon!

Speaking of old high school friends....

...and old college friends...

This batch just ran up out of the crowd and accosted me!

An old wargaming buddy, Rarrier, introduced me to another old friend of his, as well as this lovely creature...

Aight, gang, I've been saving you guys for last. To the rest of the world, you've already seen TheLastNubicorn all over this thing. But these folks here? These ain't friends. This is family.

This girl's hammer was bigger than she is! She carried that thing around all weekend long, and every time I saw her, I wanted to take this picture. Finally, on Sunday night, both she and Luke were in front of me at the same time.

I'm sorry we drug you along, Jacob.

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