Anyway, here are some shots for the '08 Parade.

I took this one just for my boy Caesar:

And I figured Zod (or whatever he's calling himself these days) would like this one:

Goths look funny in the sun shine.

OK, now these guys deserve some kind of comment. Lion dancing kicks ass. American kung fu schools with a lion, ready to dance with, also kick ass!

These next few are the Mad Scientists and all their getup.


At least the Umbrella Corporation was there, working for us.

I was kinda surprised by how many Ghostbusters there were this year. Sometimes, ya just gotta go with the classics.

WACs!!!! God damned but I love the 1940s!

Folks back then, they had class.

Roard Warrior: Looking more and more like a prediction every day!

Roller Girls! Now, I gotta root for my home team, especially when in the land of their rival team, so as soon as these girls rolled by my crew they were hit with a solid wall of, "TCR, baby!"

All fun and kidding aside, I give these girls big props. It takes guts to do what they do, and if you wanna be dumb, you gotta be tough.

I wonder how many points the Blues got while they were dorking around in a parade with the all-important flag?

Every day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm!

Every meal is a banquet!

Every paycheck a fortune!

Every formation a parade!

I love the Corps!

What you want me to do, fetch your slippers for ya?

Piracy is often its own reward...

Now who the hell are these guys supposed to be?

Someone always wears a box...

Follow the leader!

There didn't seam to be as many 501st guys as in previous years. I guess someone had to be wearing all the other armor at the show, though.

I love the very concept of General Kenobi.

"Now who the hell are these guys supposed to be?"
They are Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. (sigh - kids.) - Luke's Dad
Sarcasm, yo.
It's a sad day when a vespa is considered legitimate transpotation for Cobra troops. Even a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world feels the heat at the pumps.
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