I took these back in the summer at the meet up at Ex Libris's place. I meant to post them then, and well... I'm posting them now! I took some others, but for whatever reasons (mostly them just being snapshots of dubious quality) these are the ones I felt like sharing. I've got a group shot, random folks, a good batch of the Huntsville crew, and I even show up in a few myself.
Most of us fit in the garage, but not everyone fit in the frame:

Local wacky people:

Hunstville wacky people: The Captain...

....the Damsel...

...and the distress! ;)

A fire fight ensues!


Task-specific explosives are examined and compared; Insurance policies are damned.

To me form all the pictures it seems as if everybody has got dressed for some kind of Halloween party whit some weird theme.
Army Ration Packs
Sorry, I don't know what forex is so I doubt I've got a trust worthy agent.
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