Here's Dylan!

Tactically speaking, this game played about like you'd expect a city fight to go. I made ready to advance up either side of the table, with a good punch extra on one side with my Shermans, matched on that same side by his Panzer IVs.

You can see here the Shermans getting into position to support the infantry advance.

One Sherman got particularly bold, and earned good kills for it. After the tanks were gone, this one Sherman spent the rest of the game making good use of his .50 cal (I'd have had more fun with American shermans rather than British, but that's what the list allows for).

The other Shermans, and the proxyed Firefly didn't last so long.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn:

The fighting on my right side of the table was a side-show, and never really amounted to anything.

But on the left (the side with the tanks) both of us were gearing up for our Big Push. But, looking at those burning Panzer IVs, Dylan hesitated, and it was then that I made my move (I moved up so close and hit him with so much small arms fire that assaulting seemed like a good idea.)

The eventual assault

Hi, untini.
That game looks pretty awesome. Congrats.
However, I'm not posting because of that, rather than because I didn't find any other way to reach you (no email adress to be found).
You see, when trying to download several models from swminiatures, the downloads won't work, or they will give broken files, so there's no way to get the death star 3d walls, trash compactor, and others, again.
Could you please upload them here in your blog, or send them via email? I can provide you with my adress, if necesary.
Thanks a lot for your time.
I was only a contributor on that project, and had no real control over it. I'll see if I can get in touch with the guy who really ran that show, as I'd rather get his permission before rehosting that stuff. There are a few that were more "mine," but honestly, they'd be worthless without the whole set.
Actually, I just double-checked, and the links are still good. You just have to register, log in, and drill all the way down. Admitedly, pore site design makes it feel like you have to open each article about three times. You'll have to log in, then "read the rest of the story" for each piece going back through the blog-like design, and then download link.
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